28 Mar When Mom’s a Vagipreneur…
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Being a working mom comes with its challenges – add in the fact that mom works in the business of sexual arousal and you open a whole new can of worms. Let me tell you how I became a Vagipreneur amidst raising two very normal, well-adjusted, successful teeenagers.
In my recent article with CoveyClub, I detail the trials and tribulations that I faced raising two pre-teens while transitioning from a traditional consultant to ‘Vagipreneur’ overnight. I continue to be very proud of the work that my then business partner and I put in during these years as well as all of the obstacles that we overcame.
At the time, my business partner and I went from having to argue with networks to even show our ads to being the first people to say the word ‘vagina’ at the podium of the Harvard Club. In additional to my achievements in business, I attribute some of my success as a mother to my openness with my children at this time, even when it came to discussing uncomfortable issues such as love and intimacy.
What I was not prepared for in my rapid career transition, was the barrage of intimate and personal questions being fielded my way in regards to female sexual health while in front of my children, and transversally, the impact that it would make on them in their personal lives.
To this day, I continue to work for many companies in this field and be very publicly outspoken about sex health because I truly believe that the continuing the conversation about women’s sexual health is so important.
So how did I ensure that my children, then 12 and 9, make it to 22 and 19 as well-adjusted and productive human beings? Boundaries. Read the full article here at CoveyClub to learn more about how I implemented ‘No Zestra Zones’.